Sunday, May 5, 2019

Bummed Out: End of the Week Edition

Hot Pressed

I am super bummed after coming to the realization this week that this story will never work 'as is.' It doesn't really fit into the 'smut' category, so it doesn't really fit on this blog. Sure, there's some mind control, and some bodily transformations, but neither of them are really all that 'hot.' I could shoe horn in some sexy times action at the end of the story, but it doesn't really make sense that the main character would just 'fall into bed' with the main romantic interest right after they have just met.

No, this story needs to be a novel. It could make a pretty good fantasy novel, I expect, if I could come up with a longer overarching plot and final ending point. But it just doesn't make sense as a short story.

Without a proper resolution to the story, or even a plot outline of where I want to go with it after the next few scenes are completed, I'm having a hard time justifying continuing it until I can come up with something. And even then, it wouldn't fit into what I'm trying to do here.

That puts it in the unenviable spot of being a story I really want to finish, but yet another longer tale that makes more sense to try to eventually publish and sell. And what I really wanted was a story to post on the MC archive! Kind of working at cross purposes.

At any rate, I've shelved this for now. I don't want to drop it entirely as it's a story I've invested quite a lot in already, but until and unless I can come up with a better destination for the ending, I don't think it makes sense to invest more time into it.

That said, I need to look at my backlog and decide what to work on next. I need a short term 'win' to get me out of these doldrums, so I think I'll probably pull one of my recent story ideas and work off that. I'm thinking that the story idea I posted recently tentatively titled 'Omniscient' is possibly a good starting point.

My new plan is to try and get that written in the next couple of weeks (muse willing), so I finally have something to post!!!

Robotic Restitution

Talking about 'wins,' I did manage to get another chapter proofread this week. I'm now at chapter 16/20, five chapters left to go!

I haven't made any progress on the book cover, and I'm sure I'll have to re-read and edit the synopsis soon enough. Still time left to worry about that, but at least some progress is being made!

The last five chapters are a bit shorter than the ones I just finished proofreading this week, so things should go a little easier into the final stretch. I'm seriously thinking that I'll start to publish the books one at a time as I finish the second proofreading pass, so tentatively mid or late June would be a realistic goal to hit for the first book.

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