Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Author's Notes: Octopodded

In about ten minutes, the first chapter of Octopodded will go live.

This story hasn't had that long of a gestation period (ho ho, self referential joke), as I first described my initial notes on what this story might be about a few short weeks ago. It doesn't follow the notes exactly, as these stories tend to twist subtly as I'm writing them and fleshing out the characters.

Looking back, I'm starting to think in the future I probably won't post full story notes before writing a tale, as I would hate to spoil any surprises the reader might discover themselves (although not many people read the notes, so I'm sure there will be lots of fun to be had in the pages of this story!)

This story is meant to be fairly self contained and should consist of about two to three chapters, depending on where the muse decides to take me. I always like to leave room open for good ideas, but as I'm short on time I doubt I'll be able to incorporate any huge plot twists. It's just not that kind of story.

In fact, let's be frank. This story is really quite strange, and only for a very niche audience. Only a subsection of smut readers likes reading mind control stories to begin with, and I'm sure the number of people within that audience that likes to read oviposition stories are even smaller. Add in sea creatures, even if they're aliens, and I'm sure it's even less.

That said, if you DO happen to fall within those niches, this stroke story is for you. Enjoy.

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