Friday, May 31, 2019

Week End Update: An Early Update and Future Speculation

After surgery, I'm supposed to be resting and recuperating. If I get up the motivation, I may start working on my next story... I definitely don't feel right doing absolutely nothing, so here's the blog post early this weekend!


So far I've gotten some good comments about this work. It's one of the strangest stories I've ever written, and it came out the fastest. It's hard to capture lightning like that in a bottle, so I wouldn't expect a miracle like that again in the near future.

Though, if I magically start feeling better, who knows what I might end up accomplishing?

At any rate, the third chapter, which comes in at about 15,000 words, will be posted on my usual Wednesday schedule. The first chapter has been posted to Literotica, and the second shall be following as soon as their scheduling system decides to allow it through.

Robotic Restitution

I've waded through editing the nineteenth chapter today, putting me one chapter away from the first editing pass being completed. That will be a major milestone, but will simply herald the start of the next phase of editing, where I hope to catch any embarrassing errors before I attempt to publish the books. 

There's a lot of fun scenes in them, so if you're a fan of my work, stay tuned, this is still on schedule so far. I expect to publish the first book in about a month and a half, and then hopefully the rest shall follow on a more or less monthly basis until they're all out and released.

This has consumed so much of my time, I really do hope there turns out to be a few fans of this work out there!

Purple Balls

What is it about circuses that attract a fair number of fetish stories? Perhaps it's the ability for almost anything strange to happen, especially since the circus has been known to attract more than a few nonstandard types of people.

Anyway, I've been tossing around the idea of writing a strange circus story the past week, ever since I saw Junkrat's new circus skin in Overwatch.

Crazy clowns are pretty popular in horror stories, no?

The purple balls he fires are delightfully wacky.

Now, it wasn't the costume that is giving me the first glimmers of inspiration. No, it's the wacky purple balls he's shooting from his grenade launcher.

Those bring back a memory of art from the early 00's where someone had drawn a grotesquely transformed futa sailor moon with gigantic balls that had stars on them. S/he was impregnating another sailor scout, corrupting her and transforming her into another similar monster.

After doing some Bing searching, I was able to locate the image I was thinking about on hypnohub. I don't know the original artist, so I can't attribute this image properly. If anybody knows, let me know so I can credit it properly.

Anyhow, what if a couple goes to the circus, and the male is captured by the evil ringmaster for use in his circus? He's bred with the existing, single humanoid female beast. Somehow, this makes his balls grow. He takes on a purple skin coloration and his balls get gigantic with stars on them.

His girlfriend is turned into a clown and becomes his trainer, perhaps. Maybe he ends up impregnating and transforming another of her friends into a second, female beast so that he has more than one in his harem?

Maybe others are visiting the circus with them, they split up to experience the different attractions, and end up encountering different fates? 
  1. One of them goes through the hall of mirrors and falls prey to their reflection?
  2. Another visits the snake charmer, and through her charms, is converted into a humanoid snake she uses for her performances.
  3. One of the performers is a succubus, and has her sights set on the main character's best friend.
  4. The trapeze artist is secretly a vampire and she steals away one of their party to become her thrall.
  5. A crazed puppet master coerces one of the group to see his doll collection and she gets turned into one of them.
So many good ideas for bad ends! Probably too many for a short story. But enough for a medium sized one without getting too fatigued? Not sure, I'd have to start writing to find out.

But maybe I really ought to be starting that other Hive story in preparation for the release of my novels? We shall see.

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