Saturday, July 27, 2019

A Long Week Update


I haven't been doing so hot this week, after last week's nonsense. As such, progress this week has been minimal. Yuck.

I only have about 3000 words of the next chapter completed, and it's going to take a lot more effort to get to the finish line. I do believe there's still only about 1-2 chapters left in this story, and I need to pull myself together to drag myself over the ending. 

The problem, in my estimation, is that the flash of inspiration is long since gone, and all that remains is a dogged determination to finish. That, coupled with my recent poor health, has made it difficult to move forward.

Still, I believe I shall get there in the end, even if it takes more time than I had expected to get there.

I'm currently working on getting through the next part with Natalia, after which I believe I'll start to enter the end game on this story. By the time it's done, it will be close to a novel length story. I need to stop doing this to myself! :)

Robotic Restitution

Good news on this front, at least. I was able to get through the seventh chapter yesterday, which means the manuscript for the first story is more or less complete. During the next week I expect I will be trying to figure out how to get the final copy together and published! Wow, that will be neat!

Expect more news on that front at some point this week as I get it figured out!

Next, I really need to start work on vectorizing the second book's cover and proofing the copy. I need to work fairly quickly as the first book ends on a bit of a cliff hanger and I don't want to leave anybody waiting for too long! There's always so much work to do!

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