Thursday, October 17, 2024

Mid-October Update

Has it really been almost three weeks already? It feels like the time has gone by in a flash after looking at my last post!

I don't have too much that's exciting to report at the moment. Steady progress continues every day. I'm up to ~81K words with Enthralled, and I'm currently writing chapter seven of ten. I'm hoping to keep the length to 110-120K, but it's hard to say until I get myself closer to the Epilogue.

If my guess is correct, that puts the completion date somewhere around mid-November, and with editing, this novel won't be ready until December. Dang!

It should be a fun one, though, packed with loads of demonic transformations and cultist fun, so look forward to it!

In the meanwhile, I'm also working on Choose Your Submission on and off, and it has reached about ~25K. I have about 2 1/2 of the short stories completed, along with the prologue and epilogue. I'm guessing I'll need to write three more short stories to finish the anthology, after which point I'll get it into the editing queue as well.

Additionally, I am now planning on writing a short to advertise this anthology which I'll post everywhere. I'm currently thinking that story is going to be Exercising Demons, wherein you find that demons have taken over the local twenty four hour fitness.

There will be transformations involved, because that's what this anthology is all about!

I'm not planning on starting work on that short story until I finish all of the shorts for the anthology, so I would assume that the release date for that short won't be until mid to late December.

I guess I had better get a move on if I want to pad my numbers for the year end retrospective! So far it doesn't look like I'm going to be able to beat my performance from last year!

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