Sunday, June 23, 2024

Late June Edition: Tick Tock, Nine to Hive Re-Edit, and Corporate Love

I probably won't be ready to release anything for another month, but things are starting to gel together.

I have three projects currently, all of them in flight -

Tick Tock

This novel has reached 102K words, it's a long one. I've just finished the penultimate chapter, with only a few epilogues left to go. I expect to be finished with writing this novel within the next week or two.

I've also finished the author's note and preliminary synopsis. That said, with the length of this novel, there's a mountain of work to do to get it ready for publication. Editing will likely take the full month of July, so stay tuned for more news on this as we get closer to August.

I will post on my Discord when I am ready for pre-readers, so if you wish to be one of them, join me there! 

Nine to Hive Re-Edit

I reread this story earlier this month and realized that it's not up to my usual standards. That's not a surprise, as most of my early works could probably use an editing pass given that my writing skills have improved over time. That's not in the cards for obvious reasons, but re-editing this story makes sense, as Tick Tock takes place in the same universe.

I haven't changed any plot points, but I have rectified small inconsistencies, and it should read significantly smoother. I plan to re-release this story on MCStories and Literotica when I publish Tick Tock.

Additionally, I had originally planned to have five endings to this story, but ended up with only two. I am going back to the drawing board, and am working on the last three endings, to give Nine to Hive some more options. Suzy will get to choose to be a yellow worker drone, an orange trainer, or a red overseer (the hound)!

I don't quite have these endings figured out yet, but rest assured there will be plenty of fetishy goodness involved!

Corporate Love

This is a short story I have planned to take place during the same time frame as Tick Tock. I already have 2K words down for this one, and I'm hoping it won't be longer than 10K by the time I'm done. To be honest, this one isn't fully plotted yet, so I don't really know.

I do know that it will be a free story, a tie in to Tick Tock that will open another window on what storage drones do with each other when the lights are turned down low. It should be a fun time!

This one will also be released concurrently with Tick Tock.

That means my writing schedule is going to look like this:

  1. Tick Tock (7-14 days)
  2. Nine To Hive Endings (~10 days)
  3. Corporate Love (~8-14 days)
On top of that, I will need to edit all of the new stuff I'll be writing for these stories during the month. That means it's going to be pretty difficult to get it all done by August. 

I do plan on prioritizing the editing of Tick Tock, so worst case scenario, Tick Tock will be released before these tie-ins are. They will all be done before I start on new projects.

I already have plans for those, but I'm not ready to discuss them just yet. Stay tuned!

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