Saturday, August 24, 2019

Week End Update: Superheros Ahoy!

Desaturated Detente

I've finished the first chapter of the superhero story that was commissioned of me and have delivered it to the commissioner (sounds almost like a police situation!)

Wonder Woman has experienced an unfortunate downfall at the hands of a latexed villainess. Most excellent. I've started work on the second chapter, which will have her also pursuing Supergirl.

With about 11,500 words necessary to finish off the second chapter, I'll likely be occupied with this the next two weeks so that I can close out this commission. Afterwards, I will likely be shifting over to work on a (free) story that I intend to be a tie in to the Robotic Restitution universe. It seems like a good time to write that story, since I'll be working on getting the third book ready for publishing at the same time I'm getting that story out.

I already used the tentative title of that story elsewhere, so I'll have to think up a new one. C'est la vie.

Robotic Restitution: Drone Shuffle

Progress on book two is going well. So far I've finished editing the first three chapters, and there are three more to go. Unfortunately, the next chapter is the longest, so I'll have to gird myself to get that completed next week.

In other positive news, I've made significant progress on the cover art. There are two characters I need to figure out poses for, draw, and vectorize, and then it will be done. So far, it's looking like I'm on schedule to complete this at the same time as the book editing, but we shall see.

I don't expect I'll need a week to figure out the publishing like I did for the first book, but that does mean that it will be a difficult schedule when I get close to completion! I think I'll be able to make it work without slipping my schedule, but we'll see.

As such, I'm expecting that I shall be ready to publish the week of September 15th. Look forward to it!

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