Sunday, August 4, 2019

I'm Published Edition

Drone Envy

Now announcing my first published entry in the 'Robotic Restitution' trilogy, 'Drone Envy!'

You can pick up a copy from Amazon or Smashwords today! Here's the US link to Amazon as well if the other link ever dies.

If you've enjoyed my work over the years, this is your opportunity to pick up the first book of my latest and longest work! It involves robotic bondage, women being transformed into blue-skinned Hive Drones, latex, gas masks, sensory deprivation, and Drone romance.

The other two books in the series are written, but require editing and cover art. I shall be working on those next, immediately, in the hopes that I will be able to get the remaining two published in the next few months!

This Wednesday I'll post my experiences around formatting for the eBook market in case any of you are interested in trying to publish your own works.


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