Saturday, June 22, 2019

Week End Update: More Cows Edition

Oof, been another busy week. I'm holding up well so far, but if it gets to be too much I may have to spread out some of my releases. Hopefully not, but I can't be on my 'A' game all the time!


Chapter two of this story has been completed, and I expect I shall be getting it edited this weekend in anticipation of posting it this Wednesday. I've begun chapter three as well, but I'm facing a bit of a roadblock in that I need to plot out the next section before I can push on full steam ahead. I have a few ideas bobbling through my head but nothing firm yet.

At any rate, that means chapter three may not be ready for the week after, but I expect the week after that I should have something to post. With the current remaining ideas, I think there's about two or three chapters left to go on this one.

Robotic Restitution

I've proofread chapter two of the first book for the second time. I'm making the expected amount of progress, with the final draft taking shape. This looks like it's still going to be on schedule to be ready in about five more weeks.

I've also been working on the cover for book one and it's coming along better than I thought it would. That's probably at about 60% now, so I think it should be finished in time for the release of the first book. Good news!

The bad news is I have to do this two more times and I'm not certain whether I'll be able to keep up with the schedule. It is what it is!

Look for all this effort to start coming to fruition in late July!

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