Sunday, June 9, 2019

Week End Update: Finished the First Pass Edition

What's up, everyone? It's the start of a new week, and I find myself with several projects simmering simultaneously. I'm not sure if I'll have anything from my next story ready to post Wednesday, but it sure would be nice if that were to happen!


No feedback on the third chapter, but people on Literotica appear to be liking this one. I've changed my mind about posting this on MCStories, I think I'll send it to Simon and see whether or not it will pass muster for being posted next week. I'll probably throw up 'Extraterrestrial' at some point as well.

Drone Envy

I've outlined a new story as a bit of a post-quel to my Robotic Restitution stories. It's meant to go through what happens after the Hive invades the capitol planet of the empire, and how that affects a nuclear family of four.

I have a pretty good idea of how this story is going to go, and have about a ~2500 word start on it Monday, before I decided to change gears on Wednesday.

This probably will get back onto my schedule after my next story drops, but it could easily be some time before that occurs.


This is the story which derailed my attempts to work on 'Drone Envy,' primarily because I got a really good idea for the conceit behind the tale and I wanted to start a story 'in media res.' This was meant to be a short story, but as is usual, not many stories I come up with WANT to be short stories.

Taking me back to my roots, this tale is about human cows... in space! *Theremin sound effect*

Yes, I can't seem to stay away from those big breasted milkers, and I'm going to be transforming a whole bunch of women into happy cows. Sounds like fun, doesn't it? There couldn't possibly be an ulterior motive behind the penal system sending women off to the Farm to become cows...

This story is already ~6000 words in. I have a quick sketch of an outline, but I suspect I'm going to get into a lot of trouble with the finish because my ideas for it keep changing. I pretty much know how everybody is going to look at the end of the story, but I'm not sure how long it'll take for me to get there.

I'm hoping to serialize this story and get it out as fast as I can write it, without too much delay. Seems likely the first chapter will debut next week at this rate, unless I can get my ass into gear today.

Robotic Restitution

Yes, the story trilogy I've been talking about all year so far (and have been obsessing about for the year before) is still on the agenda (when isn't it?)

This week is a bit special however, since I have finished the first editing pass for all three novels! Final word counts are around 75,651, 65,978, and 69,563, which are about perfect for novel length.

This week I intend to loop back around and start reading chapter one again. At a chapter a week, we're about seven weeks away from having the final copy of that story in the can, at which point (*shudder?*) I have to figure out what the hell I'm doing to try and get this published, a whole different can of worms.

Which leads me back to generating covers for these stories. I've made the (probably bad) decision to try and draw them myself. I've come up with something that I think will work for the first cover, but I'm not an amazing artist. I'm just hoping that once I turn it into a piece of vector art I won't hate it. No guarantees.

That's all for now, back to work for me!

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