Sunday, February 3, 2019

The It's Done Edition!

It's done, it's done, it's done!

The first draft is done of Robotic Restitution (new title(s) pending[TM])!

Countless hours (including four hours today), and ~210,000 words later, it's done!

Yikes! I don't even know what to do with myself now! Start the next story, I suppose, tomorrow! A palate cleanser before I start on the teaser story for Robotic Restitution, which I haven't yet really plotted out yet (I know the setting and general gist of what I want to do with that story, but not the details).

And now the real tasks begin - proofreading, proofreading, proofreading some more, figuring out title cover art, then doing the research/formatting on how to get this project posted on Amazon.

With the number of words this tale has now consumed, I'm now thinking it needs to be a trilogy. 70,000 words per novel is almost 300 pages per book if this were to be published in a paperback (which of course, it never will be). That seems like a reasonable length to me, given many erotic works sell as short stories.

The fact that this is long form will actually probably work against it, I suspect. Certainly writing long smut novels like this is not sustainable as a day job, but as proof that it can be done, I'm very proud of what I've been able to accomplish.

Anyway, now that this is complete, it's going on the back burner while I work on proofreading it, which means it's going to go dark for quite some time. I'll will post updates on this project while I work on new projects, but I wouldn't expect this to be out any time soon.

Next on Deck

My next number is a story I call 'Hot Pressed' about Egyptianish headdresses, body transformation into hybrid human animals that match the headdresses (that's what killing bites is!), airships, and backroom spying - which I haven't worked on since 2016. This seems like a fine time to dust off the existing manuscript, read the notes, and try to muddle my way through to the end.

It will probably take a few weeks to get done, but this sounds like a great year to start posting new content! It will be quite satisfying to start working on the backlog - I have far too many story starts for short stories that need attention.

Cheers For Now

With so much happening today, I think I shall save some of the discussions I have queued up for another week when not so much is happening. I'm rather wrung out from the writing marathon I did today - I just couldn't let yet another week pass without getting it finished!

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