There's not much to update about right now, unfortunately, but I'm still working on all of my projects!
Enthralled has now reached 113K words, and with 1 scene and 2 chapters remaining to go, I expect to be finished with the first draft in 2-3 weeks (roughly). This is going to be a long one!
Choose Your Submission is now at 30K. I recently finished one of the short stories in this anthology, and there are around 3 more to write. I'm hoping to cap this around 50K, so if I go over, one of the short stories I'll release for free as an advertisement. This is pretty hot stuff, so look forward to it!
I'm kind of bummed it's taking so long to get these out (gosh, it's been 3 months since my last release!), but I keep hitting my daily writing targets, so there's not much more I can do! (There goes the plan to write shorter stuff!)