Wednesday, July 5, 2023

First draft of 'Bull Moon' has been completed!

Writing at about double my usual pace since last week, I've managed to complete 'Bull Moon' in about half the time I was expecting. It came in at about 63K words, which is close enough to novel length that I'm currently planning on charging novel price for it.

Since my last novel was about 100K, I consider this to be pretty fair. I tend to write long, and I spend a lot of time doing this, so sometimes that's just the way it's got to work out.

That being said, I'm going to take a short break before I start on the editing, as there is a solid ~150 pages to get through. In the meantime, I'll be starting my next story, 'Droneship,' a fun tale about a robot ship that turns its female passengers into robotic drones with the help of various bondage and interfacing devices.

I'm hoping to get 'Bull Moon' out before the end of the month, so stay tuned!

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