Saturday, April 9, 2022

April Update: Transference, Sky Trained, and more!


Weighing in at around 42,000 words, my tale about sexy futa robot drones finally has a completed first draft. For a story I was intending to only be around 15K, this one certainly got away from me, as most of my works tend to!

I've just finished writing the author's notes, so the next big chore is the proofreading/editing.

I was able to churn through 'Vanished' in about a week, but I'm not certain I want to push that hard for this one. Certainly, though, I don't wish for it to take another month before I release.

I'm not sure what Amazon's policies are around sexy robots with metallic dicks, so we'll see whether or not my synopsis gets approved for publication.

Anyway, I'll post here when/if I get this novella released, which I expect will be in a few weeks.

Sky Trained

In the meantime, this behemoth of a novel has reached about 120K now. Fortunately, I can see the light at the end of the tunnel, and I believe that there's only about 1 1/2 more scenes to write until the end. I expect that won't take more than 5 K, which puts the first draft within reach by the end of the week.

Unfortunately, that means I have an incredible amount of writing to edit, which is liable to take a LOT longer to get through. Imagine having about 170K words to read and edit ahead of you, and then you'll begin to understand my pain.

It must be done to get to release, however, so that's all there is to it. May-ish sounds like a good release time frame for this one at my current rate of progress.

Re-covers of Drone Shuffle/Drone Circus

Mid last month I also worked through new covers for Book 2/Book 3 of Robotic Restitution. Here they are:

Eventually, I'm planning on re-releasing these books with these new covers, at which point I'm planning on making book one completely free (on both Smashwords and Amazon).

At one point, I vaguely thought about putting them together into one big omnibus, but as time goes by that sounds less and less appealing. I think this will be a suitable place to put them permanently. As my first works, they're not good, but they're not bad either. I'm proud of what I've managed to accomplish so far.

The Future

I'm not going to completely stop my writing while I'm editing, so in the meantime I'll also have to come up with something else to work on. I don't have anything planned at the moment, but I figure what I'll do this time (for fun) is to trawl through my collection of stock photos and come up with a story that fits them. It could be fun! (And also a lot more work!)

I also want to get back to the Rubber Order universe this year, but I don't really have a plot put together yet. Plans are subject to change (TM).

I am committed to making this year a year of publishing multiple works, so stay tuned! There will be more to come!


  1. Great update. I can't wait to read transference also your drone books were very engaging the entire way through so i would say it was a worthwhile purchase.

    1. Thanks, I'm glad to hear that my drone stories were fun! I've been editing Transference at a rate of 10 pages/day, which means I should hopefully be ready to look at publishing sometime late next week!
