Monday, December 21, 2020

Christmas Edition

I think most people would agree that this has been a pretty messed up year for everyone involved, myself included. My optimistic estimates on how long it would take to get things done in the summer time were grossly inaccurate, as they didn't take into account the unknown variables of my health and shifting priorities.

As such, I hate to say that I don't have anything to release at the moment!

That isn't to say I haven't been working on things, I just haven't been working on my game, specifically.

Just a quick run down of what I've been up to lately:

  1. Edited 500 pages of my friend's novels (that's been on the backlog for awhile).
  2. Edited 27,000 words of my own fantasy novel (that's also been on the backlog for a long time).
  3. Written 7,000 more words for said novel.
  4. Working on the Bad End: 'Your Offspring's Milk.' This ending will occur when you're too disobedient and you've had a child at The Farm. They've been forced to bind you in latex and leather to keep you from hurting yourself and others. They use your own daughter (now grownup) to control you and make you learn to love your slavery.
So it's not all bad. I am still working on the game, on and off. But it does mean that the likelihood of getting something playable any time soon is nil.

As is usual, what you can produce never matches your imagination.

The semi-good news is that I've set a goal of 500 words per day on my novel, which means it should be done in a few months and I'll free up to do more work on this, or perhaps I might spend some time working on "The Rubber Order," another story that's been languishing in the meantime.

That one I think may eventually go to Amazon, because it's a bit atypical of my usual output - I don't usually write male dom, but it fits this particular story better.

I've also had ideas surrounding a fantasy story called "Queen of Chains: Forged Anew." I have a mostly complete outline for this, though I don't have the ending nailed down yet. This particular story is an outgrowth of ideas I've had while putting together Realm of Darkness. It will probably end up being something I release on MCStories.

These ideas are exciting, but I can't say for sure if or when they'll ever come to fruition! I will be sure to share when I have more information!

Merry Christmas everyone, and here's hoping next year will be better for everyone!

Twine Tip

Before I leave you, I thought I'd mention a solution to a problem that would have saved me a lot of time, had I known it before I started working with Twine.

I'm not sure if this is sugarcube specific, but it turns out you can use this syntax to specify a different color for your text:

@@color:COLORNAME;<Your Text Here>@@

This works like this:

@@color:#a342bd;"I love you so much," whispers a tender voice.@@

You can use an HTML color code, as above, or even the color name, like 'slategray'.

There's no need to add spans, tags, or special javascript. It just works.

Unfortunately, I had to spend forever removing my previous formatting to use this instead, because it doesn't require any escaping of the text and is therefore superior. I'm not sure if I've fixed it everywhere yet...

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