Sunday, March 17, 2019

End of the Week: Steady Progress Edition

Hot Pressed

There's been no shocking progress on this story the last week, but I have fleshed out the next scene. The scene after that scene will entail some political skullduggery and a reveal of some of our heroine's new powers, after which point she shall return to the airship and the final act will begin, which I suspect will consist of several scenes.

It's going well, but the finish is probably still another month away.

On a side note, I never realized quite how fun it is to write internal monologues with amused second parties, and I think I'm going to have to do something like it again at some point in the future.

Robotic Restitution

Another week, another chapter proofread. 

I'm now up to chapter nine, which is a bit longer than chapter eight, but I'm committed to getting at least a chapter done a week, so with any luck I'll be able to say the same thing next week!

I've taken the time to restructure the last 'chapter' by splitting it into logical chunks, which has left me with around twenty chapters total for the entire story.

Splitting that again into logical book sized chunks leaves me with three stories with about these lengths:

  • Book One: 78,651
  • Book Two: ~65,776
  • Book Three: ~65,776
These aren't exact counts, but I expect the final product will be somewhat close. The last two books seem a tad short to me, but as their length would be longer than a 240 page printed book, I think it makes sense to keep them separate.

My intent is to write a short(er) story to release for free on the Internet to introduce the universe, which I will tack onto the end of book three, which will end up padding its length... but, of course, that won't be all that interesting to people who can find it online. I still think it would be a good idea to include this extra material.

It's a bit exciting to be making this much progress, but there's so much more work to go I'll have to tamp that down. No need to be too eager, too early.

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