It's that time of the month again!
It's a short update this time, as I only have one project on the docket that I'm working on diligently, 'Target Of Corruption.' It's currently at 46K, with five scenes remaining. All else remaining equal, it appears this will likely hit novel length, depending upon how the last few scenes shake out.
Some of them have been shorter than I expected, so it's really hard to tell precisely what it's going to be in the end. I have the rest of the story outlined, however, so at this point it's really just a sprint to get it finished.
At 1K words/day, if this story hits novel length, it'll take about 24 more days (at an average novel length of 70K), and I don't think it's going to be longer than that. That being the case, I would optimistically assume this story will be complete before the end of May, and then of course the editing process begins. At this rate, it could be an early June release.
I've commissioned a cover from xMLx off of Hentai Foundry, as it was his work that inspired this novel to begin with. We're still working through the details on that, but given the current rate of progress I expect it should be more or less ready in time. I'll post most information as I get closer to completion!
To give you an idea of what this story is about, here's my first attempt at a synopsis below. It's a work in progress, of course, and it might change slightly after I've finished the novel.
Her mission is to discover the reason for the existence of malevolent portals that are popping up all over town, but she soon finds out that the Goddess behind the incursions is far more interested in her.
Dressed in the Goddess’ black rubber, her body and soul begins to change as the Goddess works to harness her talents for Her own purposes. Not even her fellow heroes are immune to Her corruptive influence, their minds and bodies falling under Her thrall, one by one.
Even the most righteous feels the touch of the void from time to time."